The single block of lime has had the plan and profile shapesdrawn on to it and is now being cut on the bandsaw using a 1⁄4” blade that will follow the tight curves.
The main feather groups and shapes are pencilled onto the carving and care is taken to get the layout right.
Detail carving of the primary feathers using a very small chisel and sharp craft knife.
I form the eye socket with care, using a diamond ball in my hand-held motor. The socket is opened out into the head and the basic shape of the eyelids is carefully formed.
I use a shaped wooden tool to form the outside of the eyelid, pressing the putty against the eye and making a smoothconcave transition from eye to wood.
The back, tertial, secondary, primary and cape feathers are textured.
The legs are made from 2.5mm diameter steel wire, with brass and copper wire toes, all silver soldered together.
I generally work on each feather individually once the basic colour is painted.